The EMA organises monthly meetings for its members. EMA meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month. The subcommittees typically occur on alternate months. The EMA local chapter meetings take place on a quarterly basis.

Due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, we continue to meet virtually. We hope to meet our members soon at our monthly meetings in Brussels, Belgium or Surbiton, UK, or at one of our EU local branch meetings.

2022 EMA meetings schedule

12 JanuaryMonthly EMA meeting & AML subcommittee
25 JanuaryEMA Lithuania meeting
9 FebruaryMonthly EMA meeting & AML subcommittee
3 MarchEMA Belgium meeting
9 MarchMonthly EMA meeting & fraud subcommittee
10 MarchEMA Netherlands meeting
16 MarchEMA Ireland meeting
13 AprilMonthly EMA meeting & Cryptoasset working group
11 MayMonthly EMA meeting & Fraud subcommittee
8 JuneMonthly EMA meeting & AML subcommittee (TBC)
13 JuneEMA Luxembourg meeting
14 JuneEMA Ireland meeting
13 JulyMonthly EMA meeting & subcommittee (TBC)
19 AugustMonthly EMA meeting & subcommittee (TBC)
14 SeptemberMonthly EMA meeting & subcommittee (TBC)
12 OctoberMonthly EMA meeting, AGM & subcommittee (TBC)
9 NovemberMonthly EMA meeting & subcommittee (TBC)
14 DecemberMonthly EMA meeting & subcommittee (TBC)
 * further subcommittee and local branch meetings To Be Announced

If you are interested in becoming an EMA member and in joining these meetings please contact Thaer Sabri.

Information on meetings in previous years: EMA meetings 2021, EMA meetings 2020