
The EMA monitors and frequently responds to government and European consultations on regulation that impact the e-money and payment services industry. The relevant regulatory proposals and consultations are listed below.

Joint EU fintech industry statement on AMLR trilogues, make or break time for PISPs

The EMA co-signed a joint industry statement on the proposed EU anti-money laundering regulation (AMLR) trilogues, calling on the co-legislators to ensure a level playing field amongst all fintech providers when it comes to their obligations to perform customer due diligence (CDD) on their customers.

Read the statement here

Joint EU fintech industry statement on AMLR trilogues, make or break time for PISPs Read More »

Joint industry Call to Action on CDD exemption

The EMA co-signed a Call to Action to safeguard the Customer Due Diligence exemption for low-risk, low-value e-money products in the upcoming AML Regulation. The letter encourages the European Parliament to take onboard the industry concerns and remove the limitation to „a single Member State“ as well as the reference to a “direct commercial agreement with a professional issuer” in the further legislative procedure.

Read the letter here

Joint industry Call to Action on CDD exemption Read More »

Joint industry letter on amending the Settlement Finality Directive alongside the implementation of the SCT Inst legislation

The EMA co-signed a joint industry letter addressed to the European Commission on amending the Settlement Finality Directive alongside the implementation of the SCT Inst legislation and thus creating a true level playing field for all actors in the field of payments.

Read the letter here

Joint industry letter on amending the Settlement Finality Directive alongside the implementation of the SCT Inst legislation Read More »