EMA publications

The EMA frequently responds to government and European consultations on regulation that impacts the e-money and payment services industry. Sometimes, we also express our views on issues that are raised in the public domain where we feel it is important to provide an industry input.

Our publications reflect the views of the EMA as whole; individual members’ views may vary from time to time. The public consultation responses are listed below. For further information on these positions, please contact us.

EMA response to FCA CP1803 on SME Access to FOS

The EMA responded to FCA Consultation paper 18/03 on SME access to the Financial Ombudsman Service and Feedback to DP15/7: SMEs as Users of Financial Services on 23 April 2018.

EMA expresses concern about the FCA’s proposals to expand the list of eligible complainants to the Financial Ombudsman Service to include SMEs and guarantors. This is a substantial departure from existing practice, and is likely to have a considerable impact, particularly on smaller financial service providers in the payment services sector, where disputes are likely to be complex, and where the financial services provider may themselves be an SME.

View the full response here

EMA response to FCA CP1803 on SME Access to FOS Read More »