EMA publications

The EMA frequently responds to government and European consultations on regulation that impacts the e-money and payment services industry. Sometimes, we also express our views on issues that are raised in the public domain where we feel it is important to provide an industry input.

Our publications reflect the views of the EMA as whole; individual members’ views may vary from time to time. The public consultation responses are listed below. For further information on these positions, please contact us.

EBA concerns over anonymity and IT security at bitcoin conference

Amsterdam recently hosted the Bitcoin 2014 conference, which included a session on anti-money laundering on transparent networks. Dirk Haubrich of the European Banking Authority (EBA) outlined some concerns that the EBA has on digital currencies generally, including bitcoin.

Haubrich said that the EBA is concerned about: …

EBA concerns over anonymity and IT security at bitcoin conference Read More »

EU Parliament finalises vote on Payment Accounts Directive

On the 15th of April, European Parliament voted on the text for the Payment Accounts Directive. This concludes the legislative process in Brussels that started with a Directive proposal on the comparability of payment account fees, payment account switching and access to payment accounts.

The Directive lists a number of requirements with respect to using standardised terminology and facilitating account switching for all payment services providers. It also provides a regime, applicable to credit-institutions only, to ensure the proper provision of basic bank accounts in Member States.

EU Parliament finalises vote on Payment Accounts Directive Read More »

EMA response to call for inputs for the UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR)

Last year, HM Treasury announced that the Financial Conduct Authority would set up the UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR). Following the announcement, the FCA published a “call for inputs” consultation in March this year and organised a stakeholder conference. The EMA contributed to the consultation to assist the Payment Systems Regulator develop its regulatory approach and identify early priorities.

EMA response to call for inputs for the UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) Read More »

EU parliament votes on multilateral interchange fee regulation and payment services directive

Last week, the Members of European Parliament voted on the Commission proposals for a multilateral interchange fee (MIF) regulation and for the revision of the Payment Services Directive (PSD). The votes were cast at the end of the Parliamentary term and consolidate the position of the European Parliament. …

EU parliament votes on multilateral interchange fee regulation and payment services directive Read More »

ECB outlines way forward for European retail payments

Pierre Petit, deputy director general (payments and market infrastructure) of the European Central Bank, has outlined the ECB’s  views on European retail payments. He made his remarks at the EPCA Summit 2014, where he defined the role of the European Retail Payments Board (ERPB) and the follow-up on the SecurePay recommendations on access to payment accounts.

ECB outlines way forward for European retail payments Read More »

Wolfsberg Group Guidance on Mobile and Internet Payment Services

Earlier this year, the Wolfsberg Group, a group of the largest international financial institutions, published its Guidance on Mobile and Internet Payment Services. The aim of the paper is to assist financial institutions in their risk assessments for the wide range of companies that offer mobile and internet payment services.

Wolfsberg Group Guidance on Mobile and Internet Payment Services Read More »

New York supervisor speech on bitlicense for virtual currencies

A week ago, the New America Foundation organised a meeting on the topic of virtual currencies and regulation in New York. During the meeting, a speech was given by Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent of Financial Services, New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS). He outlined the current thinking on the envisaged bitlicense for virtual currencies in New York.

New York supervisor speech on bitlicense for virtual currencies Read More »

ECB publishes assessment guide for the security of Internet payments

Last week, the European central bank published the assessment guide for the security of Internet payments. The guide contains a list of the assessment questions that assists payment service providers with the implementation of the European requirements for the security of Internet payments. Payment Service Providers must demonstrate their compliance with these requirements by January 2015.

ECB publishes assessment guide for the security of Internet payments Read More »

European parliament votes for extended SEPA migration period

Yesterday the European parliament formally approved the European Commission proposal that allows Payment Service Providers six more months in which they may process payment transactions in euros in non-SEPA-formats. The regulation will apply retroactively from 31 January 2014.

European parliament votes for extended SEPA migration period Read More »