The deadline to prepare and approve the firm’s first Consumer Duty annual board report is fast approaching on 31 July 2024!
If you require last minute assistance with this task, you may wish to attend the EMA’s dedicated session next week.
The session is part of the EMA Compliance Support Track and will include:
(i) Training Session on the Board reporting requirement
(ii) Q and A opportunity for attendees to launch Consumer Duty-related questions; and
(iii) a detailed Template / Example Board report that we will work through during the session in order to equip the Consumer Duty Champion / Compliance Officer / Responsible Person with the necessary skills to tailor the Template / Example report to the firm.
The Template / Example Board Report is detailed specifically to the e-money and payments business and contains example KPIs and analysis.
The cost to attend the Session + Template / Example Board Report is £400 (ex VAT) per EMA member firm. Everyone with an email address from the registered member firm may attend. A recording of the training session will also be provided.
* Please note this training is available exclusively to EMA members
Please register using the EMA Portal.