Thaer Sabri, CEO at the EMA will join a regulators panel at Financial Innovation Summit in Doha Qatar on 2-3 April 2019.
Thaer will open the regulators panel with a brief keynote address the following topic:
Getting FinTech Ready – Regulatory Journey
- Motivation to promote innovation
- Designing and opting the right regulatory framework
- Building the ecosystem and getting each party accept one another for social and economic empowerment
- Public engagement to get their ideas on what aspects of financial services that can be improved using technology
After Thaer’s 10 minutes presentation, he will join a 30 minutes panel discussion as a panelist speaker, discussing the following topic:
Regulatory Panel | Enhancing Regulatory Frameworks to Harness the Transformation & Development of FinTech and Digital Banking Innovation for Growth
- Regulatory Sandbox: Is it a ‘Game’ without ‘Rules’, or the ‘Rules’ of the Game?
- Why investing in AI, Big Data and Analytics are critical to boost efficiency across the financial institutions and legal framework?
- What sort of sacrifices are ahead of the regulators and how to deal with it to ensure prosperity for national interest and the Financial Technology Ecosystem?
- How to deal with reforming the client on-boarding process to become a digitized affair without visiting physical branches?
- What technologies should be considered as the main pillars to ensure the digitalization of the regulatory system along with the entire financial services ecosystem?
For more information, click here.