Publications and events

Dr Qazi Jalisi was speaking at 4th Int’l conference on E-money, Cards and Payments

Dr Qazi Jalisi gave an overview on PSD2 at Conference on E-money, cards and payments, specifically discussing:

· Payment initiation services
· Account information services
· Interaction with the GDPR
· Sensitive payment information

The Conference aimed at delivering the most up-to-date information on e-money, cards, mobile banking and payment systems in the context of emerging economic, legal and technological advancements.  Read more about the conference here.

4th International conference on E-money, Cards and Payments, 7- 8 June 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia


Bratislava conferene on emoney cards and payments
EMA media partner at 4th Int’l conference on e-money, cards and payments

Dr Qazi Jalisi was speaking at 4th Int’l conference on E-money, Cards and Payments Read More »

Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was speaking at PSD2 Implementation congress in London

Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was speaking at PSD2 Implementation congress in London on 29 March 2017

The main topic of Thaer’s presentation was to investigate how a post-PSD2 will look like and understand its wider implications on banking and financial services, and:

  • Discuss strategic options for banking and FinTech organisations and best course of action
  • What will this mean for banking? Discover likely forms of how banks will be organized in a Post-PSD2 market
  • Understand the structural changes within the market and weigh up aggressive vs. defensive PSD2 strategies

For more information click here.


Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was speaking at PSD2 Implementation congress in London Read More »

Thaer Sabri was speaking at 13th Annual AML & Financial Crime Seminar in London

Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was speaking at 13th Annual AML & Financial Crime Seminar in London on 21st of March 2017, where he talked about tackling the ML/TF risks related to payment services under the spotlight. 


On behalf of AMLP Forum – The Financial Crime & Corruption Association:

Appreciating that everyone’s schedule is tight, this is an excellent opportunity for busy AML/CTF & financial crime prevention professionals to get key updates and answers for 2017. The programme will cover major AML/CTF & financial crime changes expected in 2017. The Criminal Finances Bill 2016/17 introduces a failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion offence, bringing new corporate liability for business. The new HMT OFSI Monetary Penalties Guidance (coming into force 1 April 2017) for breaches of financial sanctions sets out a new enforcement & compliance approach for all sectors, whether regulated or not. The 4th EU Money Laundering Directive/5th Money Laundering Directive & EU Funds Transfer Regulation are currently being implemented and will result in new UK AML regulations in Q1 2017. Our keynote speakers include senior experts from the Home Office, HMT, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, JMLSG, ESA, HMRC (on tax evasion), Charity Commission, Met Police, Barclays, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Circle, Investec Bank, RSA Group, RBS, Sonali Bank, Western Union among others.


Thaer Sabri was speaking at 13th Annual AML & Financial Crime Seminar in London Read More »