Publications and events

Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA as a panelist at ACAMS Ireland Symposium 2017

Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was a panelist at ACAMS Ireland Symposium, 19 October 2017 in Dublin, Ireland

Thaer took part in a panel discussion for the following session:

Eyes on the Forest, not on the Trees: Initiatives by the FinTech sector to identify and mitigate financial crime risks in their sector

Learning Objectives:
· Identify key risk characteristics essential to both assessing Fintechs as customers and by FinTechs of their own business
· Increase working knowledge of CDD and monitoring techniques and technologies used by the FinTech sector
· Raise awareness around financial crime typologies specific to FinTechs and measures taken to mitigate these risks

For more information about the Symposium, click here.


Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA as a panelist at ACAMS Ireland Symposium 2017 Read More »

EMA partners up with GLC Europe for 7th Risk Management Forum

EMA partners up with GLC Europe for 7th Annual Risk Management Forum

14-15 September, 2017 – Vienna, Austria

Risk management in banking had to overcome many changes in past years mainly in response to regulations that emerged from the global financial crisis. And there are still new challenges ahead, risk management will experience even more extensive change in the next decade.

The 7th Annual Risk Management Forum will provide opportunities for attendees to listen insights, guidelines, practices from regulatory bodies, leading industry associations and banks/central banks.

During the event participants will hear about the latest regulations, impacts of IFRS 9, Stress testing practices, developments in risk measurement and there are many more topic on board.


Discount code: ema_risk2017, which provides EMA members/ readers 20% discount

EMA partners up with GLC Europe for 7th Risk Management Forum Read More »

EMA partners up with GLC Europe for 4th Annual European Payments Forum, 14-15 September 2017

EMA partners up with Global Leading Conferences Europe for the 4th Annual European Payments Forum on 14-15 September 2017

Since last years’ European Payments Forum, many has changed within the industry, so it is time to organize our 4th Annual European Payments Forum, which will discuss both the changes and the future forecast of the topic. The FinTech war has just began, which will change the entire business and effect all stakeholders as well. Learn more about Blockchain from well-known topic experts and debate if banks are ready for the adoption.

Hear more about PSD 2 and its improvement on the payment experience from different point of view. What is the long and short term impact of this regulation and forest the regulatory landscape?

Join our Round Table Discussion to debate on banking (r)evolution and the technological innovations within the industry; do they disrupt or improve different processes?

Our aim is to bring together representatives from all different companies that are part of the payment industry in order to hear the most emerging issues they face and the solution to cope with these challenges.


EMA discount code: ema_payment2017, which provides EMA members/ readers 20% discount

EMA partners up with GLC Europe for 4th Annual European Payments Forum, 14-15 September 2017 Read More »