The EMA submitted a letter to European Commission on the draft (9 March 2017) of supranational risk assessment (“SNRA”) of money laundering and terrorist financing risks affecting the EU on 17 March 2017.
Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was speaking at 13th Annual AML & Financial Crime Seminar in London on 21st of March 2017, where he talked about tackling the ML/TF risks related to payment services under the spotlight.
On behalf of AMLP Forum – The Financial Crime & Corruption Association:
Appreciating that everyone’s schedule is tight, this is an excellent opportunity for busy AML/CTF & financial crime prevention professionals to get key updates and answers for 2017. The programme will cover major AML/CTF & financial crime changes expected in 2017. The Criminal Finances Bill 2016/17 introduces a failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion offence, bringing new corporate liability for business. The new HMT OFSI Monetary Penalties Guidance (coming into force 1 April 2017) for breaches of financial sanctions sets out a new enforcement & compliance approach for all sectors, whether regulated or not. The 4th EU Money Laundering Directive/5th Money Laundering Directive & EU Funds Transfer Regulation are currently being implemented and will result in new UK AML regulations in Q1 2017. Our keynote speakers include senior experts from the Home Office, HMT, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, JMLSG, ESA, HMRC (on tax evasion), Charity Commission, Met Police, Barclays, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Circle, Investec Bank, RSA Group, RBS, Sonali Bank, Western Union among others.
Thaer Sabri, CEO of the EMA was speaking at Merchant Payments Ecosystem conference on 15 February 2017 in Berlin
Thaer was presenting on:
1) likely evolution of payment services over the next few years
2) regulatory trends and the increasing need for a global regulatory arrangement
3) Brexit and immediate impact
Payments trends and takeaways from MPE Berlin 2017 – by Payvision
Gijs op de Weegh, COO of Payvision & Acapture, a data-driven omnichannel enterprise, shares an overview with the hottest payments trends and takeaways from this year’s MPE edition.
The 10th anniversary of the Merchant Payments Ecosystem conference, known as MPE Berlin, tackled all the essential themes: payments trends, ecommerce developments, regulation, fraud fighting techniques and, ultimately, what the future holds for the industry. Attending such an exciting forum helped us start the year well informed and focused. We returned more inspired, with new ideas and practices ready to be implemented and with great enthusiasm to create even more value for our merchants and partners. We have compiled a short overview with the hottest payments trends and takeaways.
The overall impressions? MPE Berlin was lively, captivating and insightful. The buzzwords of this edition were data science, IoT, frictionless payments, PSD2, consumer behavior, and machine learning.
As the industry finds itself in a state of constant change and development, we have reached the stage where payments are no longer a dull aspect of commerce. With the evolving technology, payments have acquired a strategic element, turning as Ron Kalifa, chairman of Worldpay said, “from boring to boardroom”.
Data science
As I have mentioned during my presentation, payment providers should focus on creating seamless payments by taking a closer look at authorization flows, reducing fraud and creating a complete payments experience. Additionally, be it local or cross-border ecommerce, it is within the payment providers’ role to ensure that the end consumer experiences seamless payments.
Philip Robinson, EMA’s Terrorist financing expert gave the presentation at Counter-Terrorism awareness day on 19 January, held at Empress State Building – MET Police, London.
The EMA submitted a response to the German Federal Ministry of Finance Consultation the implementation of PSD2 in Zahlungsdienstetsetzungsgesetz – ZDUG on 4 January 2017.